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Oil Paintings

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Native Serenity

Native Serenity

12"x12", oil on canvas, by Heather Clements, 2015. [SOLD]

Native Serenity

Native Serenity


Native Serenity II

Native Serenity II

12"x12", oil on canvas, by Heather Clements, 2015. [SOLD]

Native Serenity II

Native Serenity II


Native Serenity III

Native Serenity III

12"x12", oil on canvas, by Heather Clements, 2015. [SOLD]

Native Serenity III

Native Serenity III


Unity I

Unity I

24"x48", oil on canvas, by Heather Clements, 2015. $2,300.

Unity I

Unity I


Unity II

Unity II

24"x48", oil on canvas, by Heather Clements, 2015. [SOLD]

Unity II

Unity II




12"x12", oil on canvas, by Heather Clements, 2015. [SOLD]




"Transcend I"

"Transcend I"

18"x24", oil on panel, by Heather Clements, 2016. [SOLD]

"Transcend I"

"Transcend I"


"Transcend II"

"Transcend II"

18"x24", oil on panel, by Heather Clements, 2016. [SOLD]

"Transcend II"

"Transcend II"




18"x24", oil on panel, by Heather Clements, 2016. [SOLD]




"Vascular II"

"Vascular II"

18"x24", oil on panel, by Heather Clements, 2016.

"Vascular II"

"Vascular II"


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